Genexine is actively changing the times by introducing ESG (Environmental · Social Value · Governance) management to existing management principles “TIPS.“ This is for sustainable management and a sustainable world in which future generations will live. Genexine develops innovative treatments to save the lives of many patients and improve their quality of life.
We aim to be transparent in our communication with all stakeholders. We welcome all questions and will attempt to provide timely and accurate responses to all those who request feedback and interact with Genexine employees.
Innovation is one of the fundamental principles that drives Genexine. We continuously challenge ourselves looking to be creative in what we do and strive to discover and develop medicines that are truly differentiated, novel and life-saving.
People are our most important asset. We try to always maintain a strong sense of professionalism and integrity in our actions. Working to identify and develop the best talent is one of our corporate goals. Each Genexine employee has strong pride in what they do and will always strive to be professional, compassionate and caring toward the patient.
Sharing ideas, data, information is critical to our success. We make sure to listen to others before we act to enable accurate and responsible decision making and actions. Cross-functional communication and information sharing is critical for our success.
We remain aware and caring toward the environment in which we live and strive to maximize our beneficial impact towards the patient while minimizing any potential unwanted impact we may have.
To fulfill its corporate social responsibility, Genexine not only contributes to the healthy life of humanity through the research and development of novel new drugs but also strives for sustainable partnerships with partner companies. To achieve healthcare value creation, we not only inspect quality and safety at a high level of responsibility but also respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including executives and employees.
Genexine has established an international Board of Directors that ensures all measures of good corporate governance are followed. Genexine has set up hotline support and has implemented a robust whistle-blower policy to ensure ethical guidelines are adhered to.